Legal notices

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Copyright Notes
All trademarks listed belong to the legitimate owners; Third-party trademarks, product names, trade names, corporate names and companies referred to may be trade marks owned by their respective owners or registered trademark of other companies and have been used for the purely explicit purpose and for the benefit of the owner, without any purpose of violating the applicable copyright rights.

All material contained in this site is the property of Simone Claudio, it is subject to Italian and European copyright laws – any texts taken from other sources are also protected by copyright and property of the respective proprietary trademarks.

All the information and contents (text, graphics and images, etc.) presented are, to the best of my knowledge, in the public domain. If you have unintentionally posted copyright-protected or law-violating material, please notify me by email and I will remove it from my systems promptly.

Simone Claudio has no responsibility with regard to the sites to which you can access through the links within this website and the use of the contents therein.

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